Friday, July 4, 2014

Facebook Pages for Libraries

Many school libraries are beginning to create Facebook pages. These pages can serve as a link between school and home, and more specifically, between the library and home. Often times parents are able to connect with the school as a whole or with an individual classroom, but now, with this, school librarians can stake their claim as well. 

The elementary school library pages are geared more towards parents, while the middle and high school pages are geared towards the students. The elementary school pages had many pictures of classes and projects. The high school pages tended to focus more on novels, books to film, and testing resources. 

The key with these pages, regardless of grade level, is to post regularly. This gives parents and students a reason to like the page and check in. I came across several library pages that posted every few weeks, and even had months of nothing. Librarians aren't limited to posting pictures and status updates about their school. There are articles, surveys, book/movie trailers, author website links, and fun motivational posters.  Anything having to do with libraries, books, literacy, and education in general is fair game and will keep your page relevant and keep people interested in seeing what you post. 

Having spent many years teaching in a title one school, I can already hear the grumbling. The vast majority of our students and families did not have computers at home. Sure, they could go to the library to use the internet, but rarely did that happen. Just because you work in a school that doesn't have easy access to the internet, doesn't mean that you can write off this idea of using Facebook to connect. Maybe your target audience shifts from parents and students to community members. Get the word out. Let your school's business partners, school board, or general population see what you are doing. You can be the link between your school and the community. So many people want to be a part of what their neighborhood schools are doing, but have no idea how to do that. Bridge that gap! Showcase those unique activities and smiling faces that make your school special. 

Check out these school facebook pages. They have tons of ideas. Each one different, obviously, because of their grade levels, but they all have nuggets of good information that you can definitely tweak to meet your needs. I especially love the video on Freedom High's page. Who doesn't love a good xtranormal video?! I had forgotten all about that site until just now. If you need me, I'll be playing around Xtranormal.

Brooks Elementary School Library

Dartmouth Middle School Library

Freedom High School Library

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