Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Vine and Instagram in the Classroom

I have three Instagram accounts. I think I'm ok at this point, but if I begin any more, I might need an intervention!

To keep everything connected, I've titled my professional/educational/teacher instagram @midnightsun_edu, just like my twitter, and similar to this blog. Right now it's summer, and most of my time is either working of SHSU grad school work or hiking and berry scouting. So right now, my instagram is filled with pictures of wildflowers and whatnot. That's educational, and I feel like parents and students would get a kick out of looking through those during the down summer months. 

This is a picture of wild geraniums that I found today. Living in Alaska, and spending a lot of time outside, I felt it prudent to get to know the plant life. 
Right now, I'm fighting the urge to post every one of my instagram images. But let me just say, that right now, there's a marmot (saw my first one and just learned what it was yesterday) and many other Alaskan flowers. I like to think that many Alaskans like to stay in tune with nature, I've learned in my short time here, that the dandelions bloom first, then come the daisies, then the lupines, then the fireweed, and summer is over. I would love to get students interested in their surroundings. Maybe my excitement here on instagram could spur a few of them to pick up similar interests. 

This is a picture of the moment when I completely lost it. I had spent the weekend reading The Fault in our Stars, and I knew that I was in for something big. This is another way that I can connect with other educators and parents and students. I can post pictures of what I'm reading, both personally and in the classroom. 
I know, for me, I mainly read books based on recommendations. So if I can arouse someone's fancy with an instagram image of a book, so be it!

During the school year however, I can really let loose on this instagram account. There will be pictures of projects, book reports, bulletin boards, spirit days, you name it, I'll probably instagram it, just like I do with my other accounts. :)

I took the same simple profile for my vine account. I bet you're surprised to hear that I've never used vine. To be entirely honest, I dislike my voice so much that I wanted to save the world from listening to it. :)
I'm also @midnightsun_edu on vine. 
I can see myself using vine to give students and parents quick book reviews, or showcasing classroom work. Since the videos are only six seconds, I can be a bit more specific in the comments section. 

After creating this vine, I realized that six seconds is not long at all! That's going to be tough to work with!
Teaching in elementary school, I can see more parents rather than students utilizing my vine and instagram accounts. It will be just another outlet to connect with parents. 
Of course I'd have to get parent release forms to post any pictures of students, or maybe I won't even go down that road, too many obstacles, too many issues that I'd rather not deal with. 
My vine videos need some work. I'll get there. For right now I'm pulling some inspiration for future vines from The Daring Librarian

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