Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Final Reflection 5391

What ever in the world possessed me to take two summer 1 classes and two summer 2 classes?! Thankfully I have a husband who is willing to watch the kids once a week so I can retreat to my favorite coffee shop to work. Sleepy Dog Coffee has great coffee and a wonderful atmosphere. There're tables in the front for social folks, and a section in the back that's quieter and usually filled with people reading or working. 
I felt it was a good idea to plug the place that helped me this semester. :)

I have learned so much and accomplished so much that it's a bit mind blowing. I read some wonderful articles at the Pew Research Internet Project. 
I thoroughly enjoyed picking and choosing the academic articles. It's a rough thing, being forced to read extremely long articles that you have no real connection with. But give me the reigns, and let me read professionally, what I know will affect me most, and it'll have a real impact. 

As into social media and I think I am, Twitter is too fasted paced for me. Sometimes I forget to check it in a day or two and I am totally overwhelmed with the number of tweets that I have to file through. Maybe once I get into the school year, and get parents, teachers, and students involved and following me, I can keep up with it, but I'm not real sure at this point in time. 

Creating infographics was super fun. Now that I've discovered the Pew Research Internet Project, I can relay some amazing articles in the form of a pretty infographic. Not everyone has the time or desire to sit and read through a 150 page article just because I tweet or tumblr it. So if I want to appeal to the masses of educators, I think designing infographics is the way to go. 

Tumblr is an interesting little creature. I feel a bit of overlap with tumblr and this blog. Like there isn't enough room in my internet world for both. I'll still work at it, and give it some time to see if it grows on me. 

Animoto and QR Codes is one area that I know that I really need to invest some time in. Just this morning, walking into the coffee shop, they had a QR code for their coffee punch card. Ugh! I need to get with it! Jump on this bandwagon, before I'm left behind! Maybe at open house this year, I'll have a QR code linked to this blog for parents. :)

Podcasts, one thing I hated doing, but eventually wore on me. My voice, oh the humanity! After doing a few podcasts and screencasts and being forced to listen to my voice over and over, it's not that bad, I don't think. Both podcasts and screencasts will have their place regularly in my blog. Podcasts more for book reviews probably, feeling totally uncreative to come up with any other ideas, and screencasts more for my students, to see how to navigate different sites that I'll be using with them throughout the school year. 

Oh those online book communities! Look, I've added a plan to read book, but that dog gone reading now section is empty! Good thing I have a cabin camping off the grid Alaska camping trip coming up! That's the perfect time to read, when I'm not fishing, canoeing, hiking, berry picking, or whatever other outdoorsy thing I can come up with. 

I can't forget about Toondoo! This will be a fun place to take students first thing in the school year to create an avatar and some school procedure comics. I mean check me out! Oh if I could get away with purple hair, you know I would!!

Lastly, Instagram. Oh how I love thee! Ok, about to plug myself here. @mama_bears_cave, that's my personal, anything I can take a picture of and instagram it I am account, and @midnightsun_edu, that's my soon to be off the hook school/educational account. I almost can't wait for the school year to start so I can have an excuse to instagram more. :)
LSSL 5391, I have loved playing with all of the new techie things that I've either already used personally or haven't ever thought about using before. I can't wait to use all of the tools you've given me to be a better educator, more connected with the community, and well just seem cooler. :)

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