Thursday, March 12, 2015

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

Aristotle, Ari for short, is an angry and lonely teenager. He doesn’t have any friends, is only supported at home by his mother. His father is a war veteran who has shut everyone out. Ari, who can’t swim, decides to go to the swimming pool. It’s here that he meets Dante, a boy who will inevitably change Aristotle’s life. Dante is the exact opposite of Ari in every way, yet they strike up a wonderful relationship that forces Ari to grow and change and learn to love himself.

I enjoyed reading this novel merely to have something different. I was tired of reading the same thing, girl meets boy, or boy meets girl. Boy meets boy presented a fresh outlook on friendship, relationships, and emotional health. Anyone who has ever struggled with friendships or self esteem will truly get this novel. Aristotle reminds us all that our self doubts are normal and experienced by many. He also shows us that there is hope, we can make connections, we can find love, and we can be happy.

Chapter 6: Fiction Genres for Adolescents

Contemporary Realistic Fiction is a genre that takes just the right author, with just the right characters, to pull YA readers in. If the characters and plot are believable and readers can form connections with them, then you have an entirely successful novel on your hands.

Saenz, B. (2012). Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe. New York: Simon & Schuster BFYR.

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